White Meadow Caviary and Rabbitry


The British Rabbit Club Standard

 Shown here is Lynbrook's Little Rascal - Sire of my future dwarf lop.

L 3

Dwarf Lop

Ring Size C Points

1) General type and condition 30
2) Head, Ears, Crown and Eyes 25
3) Coat 20
4) Guard hairs 10
5) Colour 15
Total 100

Maximum - 2.381kg (5lb 4oz)
Minimum 1.93kg (4lb 4oz)

1. Type - Body short with well rounded loins. Deep chest and wide shoulders, giving a cobby well-muscled appearance. Short strong legs.

2. Head, Crown, Ears and Eyes.
- Head - Well developed particularly in bucks. Good width between eyes. Full cheeks and broad muzzle are desirable.
- Crown - The basal ridge of the ears should appear prominent across the top of the skull.
- Ears - Should be broad, thick well furred and rounded at ends. They should be carried close to the cheeks giving a horseshoe like outline when viewed from the front. The inside of the ears should not be visible from any angle when carried correctly. The ears are not measured.
Eyes - Round and bright.

3. Coat - Coat to be dense and of good length, rollback with an abundance of guard hairs.

4. Guard Hairs - An abundance of Guard Hairs.

FAULTS. Narrow shoulders, long in body, narrow head. Ears carried back or not fully lopped. Coat too short or fly-back. Excessive white hairs in coloured exhibits, light tails in sooty fawns. White tails in sooty fawns a serious fault.

DISQUALIFICATIONS. Weight over maximum. Adult weight under 4lb 4oz. Poor condition. Malocclusion. Runny eyes, odd coloured or wall eyes. Putty nose. Bunches of white hairs or white toenails in coloured exhibits.



- White
- As pure white as possible. Eyes ruby red or blue.
- Black - A deep solid black, carried well down hair shaft with blue/black undercolour. Eyes dark hazel or black.
- Blue - Deep or medium slate blue carried well down hair shaft with slate blue undercolour. Eyes dark blue.
- Brown - Dark brown carried well down hair shaft. Slate blue undercolour. Eyes brown.


- Agouti - Rich chestnut top colour with black ticking over an intermediate orange band with dark slate undercolour. Ears laced black. Eye circles, belly and undertail white with slate blue undercolour. Pale top colour a fault.
- Chinchilla - Undercolour to be dark slate blue at base. Intermediate portion pearl with black narrow line edging. Pearling to be clearly defined. Top grey brightly ticked with black hairs, neck fur to be lighter in colour than body but strictly confined to nape. Flanks and chest ticked with uniform shade of pearl slightly lighter than body. Eye circles light grey. Ears laced black.
- Opal - Top colour pale shade of blue with fawn band between this and a slate blue undercolour. Ears laced blue. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with slate undercolour.


- Siamese Sable
- Medium, very rich sepia on ears, face, back, outside of legs and upper side of tail shading to a paler undercolour. Saddle colour shading off to a considerably paler colour on flanks and belly, the dark face colour to shade off from eyes to jowl to blend with the chest and flanks. All blending to be gradual, avoiding any blotches or streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shadings. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.
- Light - As medium, but colour to be rich sepia.
- Dark - As medium but colour to be very rich dark sepia.

- Brown eyes, white hairs.

- Siamese Smoke. - saddle to extend from nape to tail to be smoke in colour, shading to pearl grey beige on flanks, chest and belly. Head, ears feet and upper side of tail to match saddle as near as possible. All shadings to be gradual to avoid blotches or streaks. Undercolour to match surface colour as closely as possible following the varied shadings throughout. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.

FAULTS - Brown eyes, white hairs.

- Sealpoint - A rich dark sepia brown on ears, nose (mask), feet and tail. Creamy light body colour. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.

FAULTS - Brown eyes, too much colour on body, iron grey - disqualification.

- Sooty Fawn - Even shade of orange/fawn top colour to carry well down hairshaft to a bluish/white undercolour. Ears, belly, undertail/tail to be bluish black (sooty) cheeks and flanks to be shaded/topped with sooty tips. Eyes hazel.

FAULTS - Too dark top colour, light tails. White tails a serious fault.


- Black Fox
- To be an even jet-black with under colour as dark as possible extending to the skin. The chest, flanks and feet to be well and evenly ticked, with silver-tipped guard hairs. Any extension of the ticking up the side and/or over the back to be considered a beauty and not a fault. The eye circles as neat as possible, a pea spot in front of the base of each ear. Inside of ears, line of jaw, underside of tail and belly, all to be white, undercolour permissible. Triangle behind ears to be white but as small as possible. Eyes brown or grey.
- Blue Fox - To be medium blue (even and sound) extending to the skin. Eyes to be brown, blue or grey.
- Chocolate Fox - To be dark chocolate (even and sound) top colour to go down as far as possible, undercolour to be slate. Eyes to be lilac, brown, blue or grey. Brown preferred.
- Lilac Fox - To be pinky-dove top colour (even and sound) undercolour to be dove. Eyes to be lilac with a ruby glow.
- Sable Marten Dark - To be very rich dark sepia on back, ears, face and outside of tail, the saddle colour to be well carried down the sides and then shading off to a paler colour on flanks - the dark face colour to shade off to blend with chest and flanks, all blending to be gradual, avoiding any blotches or streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shadings, the dark colour on back to extend from nape of neck to tail. The chest, flanks, rump and feet to be well ticked with longer white hairs, any extension of white ticking over sides and rump to be considered an added beauty and not a fault, but the ears and saddle to be free of white hairs. The light nape of neck to be confined to triangle behind ears and to be as small as possible colour to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, line of jaw, belly and underside of tail to be white. General under colour to match surface colour as closely as possible, following the varied shadings throughout.
- Marten Medium - Degrees of sepia to decide classes.
- Marten Light - Degrees of sepia to decide classes.


- Fawn
- bright rich fawn free of black/blue guard hairs shading to a white undercolour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl, belly and undertail to be white.

FAULTS - Black/blue guard hairs to be considered a serious fault.

- Orange - Rich orange free from ticking, belly white. White or cream undercolour. Eyes hazel.

- Steel - Dark steel grey merging to a slate blue undercolour. The whole interspersed with black guard hairs. Extreme tips of the fur to be tipped with steel blue or grey. The mixture to carry well down the sides, flanks and hind feet. Belly colour will be a lighter shade varying with the top colour, underside to tone with belly colour. Ears to match body. Eyes deep hazel.
- Butterfly - Colour of butterfly nose marking, to fully cover nose and top lip. Head markings, white to be in proportion to body colour. Ears to match the body colour. Body colour to extend from tail to shoulders, patches of colour on white of shoulders permissible. Body colour to extend down to flanks. Flanks, chest and belly white, teat spots permissible. No white to be present in general body colour.

FAULTS - Too many white hairs in nose, top lip and body markings.

DISQUALIFICATIONS - Putty nose, white tips on ears.

ANY OTHER COLOUR - Any colour or pattern that conforms to the colour or pattern of recognised breeds, with the exception of the broken pattern.